Our production of frozen yellowtail is only in “the best season” for yellowtail through the year.
Before the spawning season, yellowtail keeps much fat and deliciousness in their body.
To deliver our carefully-made yellowtail in their best condition, we use our long-years know-hows and newest technology, and pay the best attention on processing not to put stress on yellowtails.
We face to yellowtail with passion to produce “great taste” of yellowtail which is satisfying to our customers.
To deliver the best grade of yellowtail, we will keep up our effort.
We export MEL certified products to the world
Marine Eco-Label Japan (MEL) is a standard/certification scheme aimed at supporting seafood producers that are taking proactive measures to manage fishery resources for their sustainable use and the conservation of marine ecosystems, as well as processors and distributors that make positive efforts to procure seafood from such producers; ensuring transparency with regard to resource management and handling of seafood in the processing/distribution stages; and helping all fisheries-related businesses to gain credibility and consumers to make appropriate choices.
We agree with the purpose of MEL and export MEL certified farmed yellowtail to the world.
We actively increase the handling of MEL certified products.